Wednesday 13 May 2015

BRUG Open Meeting Wednesday 27th May 2015

Lambeth council especially wants to encourage groups of people who would
particularly benefit from being more physically active.

Here's what BRUG thinks:

High Pay-As-You-Go prices for classes and facilities will put people off.
Disability access is a big factor for other people.
These voices should be heard and have an influence
as the Rec is being refurbished.

Here are some things people have said to us before:

"It costs too much - £6.20 for me and my two year old
grandchild to have a swim."
"Me? Do dance classes?!"
"My GP referred me - I would never have gone otherwise."
"I'm overweight. I'd be too embarrassed.
I'd come with a friend"
"I can't swim properly."
"Gyms are for fit people"

Please contact Robyn Dasey, BRUG Secretary.


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