BRUG is actively pursuing Councillor Lib Peck’s commitment, made on behalf of the Council, to improve the facilities at the Brixton Rec and not demolish it.
This is our chance to push what Brixton Rec users want.
The main and most immediate issues that BRUG is raising with the Council and GLL/Better, who run the Rec, include:
This is our chance to push what Brixton Rec users want.
The main and most immediate issues that BRUG is raising with the Council and GLL/Better, who run the Rec, include:
- Making the ramp more welcoming
- Making the outside of the Rec more contemporary looking, informative and interesting with, for example, displays, flags and artwork
- Installing display boards inside
- Seeking disabled people’s views on their needs at the Rec
- Using planters in the internal atrium
- Celebrating and marketing the Rec more in the community
- Introducing new activities (eg, boxing)
- Conducting a high standard energy audit
- Opening up the rooms on front entrance level/balcony (eg, a café)
- Introducing a Lambeth sports development programme for 12 to 16 year olds