Friday 15 January 2016

Council stops listening to REC users

Cllr Jane Edbrooke, Lambeth Council Cabinet member for Leisure &
Libraries, has shut down Lambeth's joint consultation arrangements with

She declares "BRIG ( Brixton Rec Improvement Group - the only way
BRUG can press Rec user views with Lambeth) …has now reached the
end of it’s useful life and it is no longer necessary for us to meet on a
regular basis.”

The Council set up BRIG, with BRUG and GLL 'partners'.
BRUG has written to Council Leader Lib Peck expressing our astonishment
and dismay that...

'Cllr Edbrooke has unilaterally and arrogantly terminated BRIG without
giving BRUG (or GLL) the opportunity to express our views on
consultation arrangements, and in the midst of consultations on the
pending £6M maintenance upgrade'

WE have asked to meet her to make alternative consultation arrangements.

Read the two letters here....

Architectural Photography by Simon Kennedy


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